Finished Projects

Technology Centre at the college
Our Alumni Association UK members contributed majority of the funding for this majestic three-story building at our Alma Mater. With the introduction of the Technology Stream in the G.C.E. Advanced Level studies, many 1AB schools throughout the Sri Lanka started teaching their students the technology subjects prescribed by the Ministry of Education. St. Patrick’s was one of the very few schools in the peninsula to take up this major challenge realising the huge benefit for our students. Classes were successfully conducted, and the students were enthusiastic. In order to give more effective learning experience to the students, the College felt the need of a Technology Centre furnished with necessary equipment and lab facilities. At present this Technology Centre has been to used to teach B-Tec, E-tech and It subjects. All streams require a dedicated lab facilities and in the first year itself, we are proud to announce we produced eight university admissions.

Renovation of the College Chapel
Patricians living all over the world who attended the Global Reunion 2012 held in Jaffna decided to contribute funds towards the renovation of the College Chapel. The project was completed in September 2013. The total cost is 2 million 2 hundred and 39 thousand 775 Sri Lankan Rupees (SLR 2,239,775). The SPC AA UK contributed 1 million 1 hundred and 4 thousand 255 Sri Lankan Rupees (SLR 1,104,255).

Multimedia Smart Classroom
The Multimedia Smart Classroom project has been completed this May 2013. The total cost was around £2000 and the SPC AA UK funded around £1400.

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