Get Involved

How You Can Help

Donate by Cheque, Bank Transfer, CHAPS, International Transfer or a Gift Aid,

01. Donate by Bank Transfer, CHAPS or International Transfer

Account Name:      St Patricks College Jaffna Alumni Association UK
Bank Name:          Barclays Bank plc
Account Number:  70972983
Sort code:            20-73-53
IBAN:                    GB65 BUKB 2073 5370 9729 83
SWIFTBIC:           BUKBGB22

03. Gift Aid

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme introduced by HM Revenue & Customs, which allows us to reclaim the basic rate of tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. Gift Aid is worth at least an extra 25p for every £1 you give. This is at absolutely no extra cost to you!

Please remember that what you pay in income/capital gains tax, must at least equal the amount of tax that all the charities and Amateur Sports Clubs you give to will reclaim on your gift aid donations in the tax year in which they are received. Please note that other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT do not count for this purpose.

02. Donate via PayPal now


04. Donate by Cheque

Please make cheques payable to:

St Patricks College Jaffna Alumni Association UK

Mr Imayakanthan Navaratnam
19 Old Fields Road
SM1 2NB.

32A Oakmere Lane
Potters Bar


07913 214187
