I had known Mr Dominic, who we all fondly addressed as Uncle, since I came to this country. I met him for the first time at a Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy event. We never met before, he saw the new face, came up to me and introduced himself and enquired about myself and my family.

As it turned out, my Father and him were good old pals from my father’s teaching days at St Anthony’s College, Kytes. Not only did he know my father he knew his entire family and asked about how they were keeping, how many children they have and how the children are doing. His concern for my entire family deeply touched me. The next time I met him he was

commandeering the bus to Walsingham feast from Harrow. Surprisingly he remembered my name even though we had only met once before.

Then when I joined St Patrick’s college Alumni association executive committee, he greeted me with a big trademark smile of his, not very different from the photo above.

I was told that he had been in the executive committee ever since the Alumni association was formed. Served under each President. Unfortunately due to his ill health he couldn’t continue during my time. When I was the secretary I worked closely with him. They were the days of pre internet, emails and WhatsApp. Postal service was the only way to send all communications to members. He voluntarily undertook the job of maintaining the membership register and posting all notices. All we had to do was print the notices and drop it off and he would take care of it from there. It was not a small job, we had about 250 members at that time and when it came to AGM notices we had to send minutes, agenda, accounts, and reports to all the members. I was told he employed his grandchildren in return for pocket money to complete the task. We never received a single complaint from any members saying that they didn’t receive the AGM papers – as opposed to the internet era. Another job he flawlessly did was organising the Alumni bus trips from Harrow. He always ensured that the bus left on time and with the full list. At every function the Alumni hosted, whatever job that was assigned to him was carried out flawlessly. Raffle draws, ticket collection, looking after the guests, organising garlands for guests of honour, organising the ceremonial oil lamp, flags banners especially the Santa clause costume. All his charitable deeds would not have been possible without the support of his dear wife Rani aunty. I consider it my duty to thank her not only on behalf of the St Patrick’s Alumni association but also on behalf of all the organisations and people he served.

He was the eldest member of our Alumni association exco with a young heart, well respected and loved by all. His radiant smile spoke many words. I’ve never seen him lose his cool, even during many heated discussions at our meetings. He would always speak last with a few meaningful words to the point. Recently, before every AGM he would announce his retirement from the committee but unanimously his request was rejected and he will put in his nomination.

Uncle you were a symbol of dedication and perfection. We admire your work ethic, sense of duty, community spirit and most of all your faith. Along with your family, the entire Patrician community , St Anthony’s community and Tamil catholic community will miss you.

May I extend my deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family on behalf of the St Patrick’s college Jaffna Alumni association.

May you rest in peace.

Joseph Rajmohan


St Patrick’s College Jaffna Alumni Association UK.